Value Addition In Land Development Planning

Abstract – TCE in the role of Design engineering Consultant, Owner’s engineer or Project management consultant has done significant value additions during concept designs and specifications for Land Development Work. The development levels for the plant buildings are decided after a thorough study and with alternative options to get most economical construction. The land development plan is finalised considering various aspects of existing topography, Master Plan requirement, manoeuvrability between various terraces, accessibility from existing roads, drainage of existing valleys / nallas, maintaining balance Cut and Fill volumes and economy of construction. The vast experience of TCE is built into the various processes of concept development and preparation of specifications of TCE. Thus, the client gets most techno-economical solution, fulfilling all codal requirements.
TCE provides services as Design engineering Consultant/ Owner’s engineer/ Project Management consultant for many industrial projects. Most of the green field developments are on remote land parcels with varying undeveloped topographical terrains. TCE plays a crucial role in conceptualisation and finalization of Land Development Plans, framing the specifications of the work so that client gets the best possible techno-economic solution.
Land Development Planning involves taking into consideration various aspects some of which are listed below,
- Existing topography and Geology
- Master Plan – Land Use – Statutory requirements
- Manoeuvrability between various terraces being planned Ø Accessibility and approaches from existing road Network
- Drainage of existing valleys / nallas passing through the Land Parcel and drainage arrangement for the proposed land parcels
- Manoeuvrability between various terraces being planned Ø Accessibility and approaches from existing road Network
- Balancing Cut and Fill Earthwork Volumes ensuring lesser Environmental Impact
- Slope stabilisation/ Embankment Retention techniques for maintaining varying land levels between various Land Parcels
- Time optimisation and constructability
The end result is thus a thoughtfully evaluated Land Development proposal, that is fit for purpose (Functional), Environmentally Sustainable and Techno-Commercially most viable.
The evaluation of land development options comprises of the following:
1. Existing Topography Contour Data Extraction
It is crucial that the existing Topographical data is accurate enough for the right analysis and decision making process of Land Development Plan. TCE helps in following ways, for the fulfilment of this activity,
- TCE frames the specifications for the Topography and the Geotechnical investigations to be carried out at Site, for obtaining accurate and current information of Site measured Levels, existing structures, utilities passing through or near the plot, topographical features of the plot, levels and dimensions of existing roads and sub-surface characteristics of the soil and rock strata.
- In case, the actual site survey data is not available, for preliminary studies TCE extracts data from Satellite Imagery Tools like Google Earth and converts it into Contour data using tools like Micro station, AutoCAD Civil 3D and others. This data provides limited information and is suitable for preliminary budgetary studies. The same needs to be substantiated with actual site survey, whenever the site is available for such investigation to be carried out.
2. Analysis of Contour Data and identification of Options
The topography and Geo-technical data obtained from the surveys / satellite imageries is then studied and analysed using various 3D tools to understand the existing topography, storm water drainage pattern and other features of the plot, to further identify various possible options.
3. Cut – Fill Analysis : Evaluation of Options
The various options are evaluated for Cut Fill Earthwork Quantities, and iterations are
carried out to find out the most optimum options.
4. Retaining Wall Options
As per topography needs, and in consideration with geotechnical data, the various possible slope stability and retaining wall options are evaluated .
5. Time optimisation & constructability
Various identified options are further shortlisted based on aspects of constructability, Sequence of operations of Constructions Equipment, safety during construction and Time period of required for construction
6. Selection of Option
A holistic approach is followed for evaluation of options based on Cost of land development, time optimisation, constructability and safety.
Typical Format of Comparison
Cost Heads Option A Option B Option C |
Land development x x x (Earthwork – Cut & Fill,Retaining Walls, Nalla Diversions, Common Infrastructure) |
Benefits of early x x x completion |
Risk mitigation(e.g x x x safety threats, delaysduring rainy season) |
Total Value A Value B Value C |