Page 27 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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Financial Improvements/ Government                    out the techno-economically sustainable solutions,
        funds applicable in India                             an open-minded, informed and progressive approach
                                                              in developing the configuration for a greenfield
        Current Indian Govt. policies and programmes that     project and prioritising the sustainability projects in a
        could enable progress towards low emission steel      brownfield installation may be a key to adopt and align
        making are given below:                               with future.

            PAT (Perform, Achieve, Trade) Scheme:             Each system needs to be evaluated in terms of Input,
            Aims to reduce industrial specific energy         Internal Process, Output and Recycling capacity to
            consumption using a market-based mechanism.       arrive at a suitable carbon footprint, integrated into
                                                              overall plant product. The plant's success appears to
            Steel Scrap Recycling Policy:                     be dependent on effective collaboration across sectors
            Increasing the steel recycling rate is the primary   of power, chemicals, digitalisation, automation, and
            goal of the Steel Scrap Recycling Policy (Ministry   environmental control measures, other than the core
            of Steel, 2019c), promoting the 6Rs: Reduce, Reuse,   process optimisations & development.
            Recycle, Recover, Redesign and Remanufacture.

            Promotion of R&D in Iron & Steel Sector Scheme:
            Regarding public-sector funding, the Indian
            government through the Ministry of Steel has
            supported several R&D projects under this with
            a total cumulative budget of more than USD 17
            million over the past five years (Ministry of Steel,
            2019a). Private companies in India such as SAIL,
            RINLS, Tata Steel, and JSW, invest cumulatively USD
            83.3 million in R&D per year.
        Conclusion and Way Forward

                                                                     Swadhin Acharya - Manager
        Metallurgical industries in General and Iron & Steel         Kaustav Das - General Manager
        Industry in particular, are energy-intensive and             Bratindra Narayan Dey - Senior General Manager
        generate a significant amount of Green House Gas.            Biman Dasgupta - Vice President
        Innovative approaches in Energy optimisation, Waste
        heat recovery, Scrap recycling, Gas based EAF will           Tata Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE)
        support shift towards green. Carbon capture and
        utilisation/ storage and the use of green H2 for the
        reduction process offer prospective solutions. Still,
        adoption reality depends on the socio-economic thrust   References:
        and availability of required resources, including a   •   Energy-intensive industries Challenges and opportunities in
        considerable quantity of renewable energy, technology    the energy transition- Technical Report July 2020
        maturity for commercial adoption.
                                                              •   Iron & Steel Technology Roadmap – IEA
        Adopting the fast development in digitalisation,
        artificial intelligence and machine learning offers   •   IEA Technology Roadmap- Global Iron and Steel Sector
        a considerable prospect in unfolding detailed            -OECD Steel Committee Paris 22nd March 2019
        information on the processes and optimisation in
        energy consumption. While coming years will bring     •   Towards a low carbon steel sector- The Energy and
                                                                 Resources Institute 2020

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