Page 32 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 32

TCE has achieved 85% market share in engineering         plutonium obtained from recycled spent fuel from
        services in the nuclear sector, thus becoming a          the stage 1 reactors with thorium as a blanket
        trusted partner in implementing projects of national     produce Uranium 233 (U233).
        importance and strategic in nature.
                                                                  In the third stage, we will be using breeder reactors
        Nuclear Power in India – Present Scenario                (BRs) with U233 as fuel produced from stage
                                                                 2 reactors. The power generation potential is
        Nuclear power generation’s total installed capacity      enormously high and will be sustainable for many
        in our country stands at 6780 MW as of December          centuries.
        2020, which is about 2% of the total installed power
        generation capacity.  In terms of electricity generated,   A large amount of work has been carried out on
        all operating nuclear plants added nearly 46 billion   several aspects of thorium fuel cycle viz. mining and
        units of electricity to our national grid in FY20, which   extraction, fuel fabrication, evaluation of its properties,
        accounted for a little more than 3% of total electricity   reprocessing and recycling.
        generated in our country in the corresponding period.
                                                              Nuclear Power Projects under
        Presently, 22 nuclear power reactors are operating    implementation
        in India, and many units are under various stages of
        implementation. Government of India has an ambitious   The indigenously designed 700 MW Pressurised Heavy
        plan of tripling the installed nuclear power generation   Water Reactor (PHWR) is our nuclear power generation
        capacity in the next ten years. The Units No 1 & 2 in   fleet’s work-horse.  The following projects with a
        Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS) had completed     cumulative capacity of 8200 MW are under various
        50 years of safe operation as of May 2019. Unit No. 1   stages of implementation. Unit No. 3 of KAPP achieved
        of Kaiga Atomic Power Station (KAPS) had set a world   its criticality in July 2020, and other units in KAPP and
        record of 962 days of continuous operation. These     RAPP would be achieving criticality in a phased manner.
        benchmark performances reaffirm our highest safety
        standards of Nuclear power plant operation.           The construction work is in advanced stage in the
                                                              Kudankulam project, and the first pour of concrete
        India’s Long-Term Approach                            (FPC) has been achieved in GHAVP project recently.

        India has an advantage in terms of the availability                                Reactor     Plant
        of nuclear fuel resource.  Though the availability of   Project                     Type      Capacity
        Uranium is limited, we have an extensive resource of
        thorium. Kerala and Orissa’s beach sands have rich
        monazite reserves, which contains about 8 – 10%        Kakrapar Atomic Power        PHWR     2 x 700 MW
        thorium. Thorium can be used to produce nuclear        Project (KAPP-3&4)
        energy, but not directly due to its physical properties.
        Thorium must be converted to U233 in a nuclear
        reactor so that it can be used as fuel.                Rajasthan Atomic Power       PHWR     2 x 700 MW
                                                               Project (RAPP-7&8)
        India’s nuclear power program (three-stage approach)
        is a long-term vision to meet our country’s energy     Kudankulam Nuclear Power
        needs for several centuries, duly addressing the climate   Project (KKNPP-3&4)      LWR     2 x 1000 MW
        change challenges.

        The three-stage process multiplies power generation    Gorakhpur Haryana
        potential by expanding the nuclear fuel base.          Anu Vidyut Pariyojana        PHWR     2 x 700 MW

            We adopt pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs)   (GHAVP-1&2)
            with natural uranium 235 (U235) as fuel and heavy
            water as moderator & coolant in the first stage.
                                                               Kudankulam Nuclear Power     LWR     2 x 1000 MW
            In the second stage, we will adopt fast breeder    Project (KKNPP-5&6)
            reactors (FBRs) with depleted Uranium and

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