Page 16 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 16

This should get amplified in the coming years to      Pumped storage provides various grid services such as
        visualise a perceptible change in the energy sector   reactive power support, frequency control apart from
        demography. It is expected that investment from       black-start capabilities. Hence, it becomes the preferred
        significant Oil and Gas companies will increase tenfold   large-scale energy storage solution for ensuring grid
        from 2020 to 2050 .                                   stability with increased renewable penetration and can
                                                              act as a catalyst in the global energy transition.
        As per IEA’s Market Update on Renewables, Nov 2020
        renewables used in electricity generation has shown   Better power system flexibility can be achieved by
        resilience during Covid and is poised to grow by      integrating battery energy storage with renewables,
        7% by the end of the year . Renewable equipment       in addition to other benefits such as better ramp rate,
        manufacturers and developers have seen better growth   energy shifting, investment deferral in any distribution
        in their share value than their other energy sector   system, etc. According to a report by Rocky Mountain
        counterparts . This is commendable considering the    Institute, battery storage is expected to enable
        present economic uncertainties related to covid and   renewables penetration of 16 to 20% by 2025 6
        has only reinforced the investors’ faith in the renewable
        sector.                                               Along with renewables, necessary focus needs to be
                                                              given to improving the energy efficiency of existing
        2500                                                  assets, which will help in reducing the CO emissions
                                                  Wind and PV  and electrification of many end-use applications,
        2250                                                  including transportation segment.
                                                  Natural gas  Transportation:
                                                              Light vehicles emit greenhouse gases and also cause
        1750                                                  air pollution, smog and other health-related issues.
                                                              Though with improved emission norms, it has reduced;
        1500                                                  still, there is much ground to be covered.
        1250                                                  Globally, the light vehicle population is poised to
                                                              increase from 1 billion as on date to about 2.5 billion
                                                              by 2050, resulting in a tripling of energy utilisation and
            2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025    corresponding CO  emissions . Significant disruption
                                                              is required in the transportation sector to shift to a
        Figure 2: Total projected Installed Power Capacity by fuel and Technology   cleaner and low emissions trajectory to achieve the
        2019-2025 5
                                                              global targets on air quality and CO  emissions.
        By 2025, it is not only predicted that the renewable   To reduce the CO  emissions from this sector, switching
        capacity additions will be 95% of the total reserves   to electrification through battery-powered Electric
        but also that renewables will surpass coal to become   Vehicles (BEV) and Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered Electric
        the largest source of electricity. Hydropower would   Vehicles (FCEV) are the options going forward. It is
        continue to supply half of the renewable power        opined that BEVs will be more economical for the light
        followed by Solar and Wind.                           vehicle segment while there is a need to go in for FCEVs

        Unlike dispatchable Hydropower, Solar and Wind        for long-distance, heavy vehicle segment.  Further
        need to be complemented by energy storage systems     discussions in this article are limited to BEVs (EVs).
        to provide continuous power supply. Hence, energy     According to the International Energy Agency, limiting
        storage systems such as Pumped storage and Battery    the global temperature increase to less than 2°C will
        energy storage system play an essential role in the   require at least 20% of all road transport vehicles be
        energy transition by not only supporting renewables   electrically driven by 2030 (approximately 300 million
        reach the desired levels but also in maintaining grid   vehicles) .

                                                              7   UN environment programme
        5   IEA Renewable Market Update, 2020                 transport/what-we-do/electric-mobility/electric-light-duty-vehicles

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