Nuclear Science Centre - Housing Complex
Nuclear Science Centre – Housing Complex



The Nuclear Science Centre (NSC) is an inter university research facility set up the University Grants Commission. It is equipped with 1.6 million-volt Pelletron accelerator and state-of-the-art experiment facilities.

TCE designed the housing complex for NSC which consists of:

  1. 60 units on 12 hectares
  2. 4 types of 2-storied residential houses for 60 families
  3. Hostel with dining facilities and capacity to accommodate 50 international scientists
  4. Utility services and buildings
  5. Landscaping and recycling effluent for gardening

TCE Scope of Services

  1. Concept design
  2. Master plan with approval from the Urban Arts Commission, Delhi
  3. Detailed design of architectural, civil, mechanical and electrical works
  4. Construction supervision